On Nov 21, 2009, at 1:58 PM, db wrote:
Your point about the promenade of new software versions: that's an easy issue to deal with: Just stick with what you have got ... ignore new versions until it becomes obvious ... until you know a compelling reason for upgrading. The companies are doing it mainly to keep their revenue stream going so there is very little if nothing you really need and usually upgrading just makes your situation worse... you have to relearn the program and suffer it's new glitches.

Oh so wrong. And Constance's complaint "that there are only 24 hours in a day" just compounds the error.

I am constantly at client's sites and see first hand how people use computers at work. It is painful. People do not know how to use their computers efficiently and are totally clueless about the latest enhancements that would greatly improve their productivity. They feel overburdened and complain about having no time, but if they knew what they were doing they could get their work done in half the time -- actually often in much less then half the time. Sometimes I can't help myself and reach for somebody's mouse to fix something with a click or two. They are always so shocked, as if I were performing magic. If you spend your day on tasks that take you 10, 20, 30 minutes when they should be taking you 10, 20, 30 SECONDS you certainly will be complaining that there are only 24 hours in the day.

If you don't know how to use the latest software features you are wasting huge amounts of time. Software developers work hard to earn the upgrade price by studying how their software is used and adding new features that boot productivity.

I see nobody picked up on the rethinking of the file system. The way we store files is a real productivity killer. If Google fixes just that one thing it will be a huge accomplishment.

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