On Nov 22, 2009, at 5:13 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
I live in out in the country.  I have to use satellite internet
service unless I am willing to go with landline dial-up.  I often
can't even get a cell phone signal here.  Radio services such as CB,
GMRS in the 164 MHz band and MURS in the 151 MHz band remain in vogue
when on the move out here.

Probably don't have piped in water and gas or municipal sewage. I guess you got electric and phone service. The Postal Service is probably making noises about suspending your home delivery and closing your nearest Post Office. You got to drive 2 hours to get to a Walmart or a doctor and 10 hours to get to hospital or an Apple Store. No opera house in town. No traffic light either. Lack of broadband is probably the least of your problems.

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