Hidden files may be shown, but system files shouldn't be. IMHO,
anyway. You can enable showing them, but it's probably not a good idea
for most people. ANyway, if they were hidden they shouldn't be counted

You sure can't use windows explorer or perl scripts to do decent
comparisons; what if a transfer was corrupt and a file is bad? I have
at least two (pay) programs I could use that would work much better -
Beyond Compare and Directory Opus. But, maybe because I use Dopus
almost exclusively, I can't answer your question about ghost file
counts in Win7, since I rarely ever use the Properties function. If
you're sure they aren't hidden system files, or belong to another
user, then I can't even guess.

Just as a quick test, I pulled up Dopus and it tells me there are 4
folders and 12 files in this folder (explorer erroneously says 16
files). But properties says there are 110 files, apparently counting
down through all the subfolders, so maybe that's the issue? FWIW, I
can't find a discrepancy in any folder that doesn't contain
subfolders. Maybe it's looking in compressed files?

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 1:33 PM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I said I wasn't using any tool.  These files were moved by hand.
> I wrongly muddied the issue by bringing up the two drives, this is the
> context in which I found the problem.  So I'll restart to be clear.
> I have a drive in which when I manually open folder XYZ it shows me 13
> files.  When I get properties on the folder it says there are 18 files
> inside the folder.  HIdden files are shown, that I am sure.
> And to your specific question about manually mirroring these drives, I was
> in the process of being sure I was not missing files between the two drives
> when I found this problem.  I output a text file of all the files on both
> drives and a friend on IRC wrote me a perl script to compare the two output
> files of the dives and spit out a third text file showing the differences
> between the two drives.  Of not may be that the perl script showed the
> folder in question with the missing files, does not exist at all, in anway
> way.
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Tony B <ton...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sounds perplexing to me too. But of course I have no idea what type of
>> 'mirroring tool' you're using, or how it handles duplicate, private,
>> or open files. And you should still have explorer set to hide system
>> files, so maybe that accounts for the 'ghosts'.
>> Even more perplexing to me is why you would be manually mirroring
>> anyway. You're savvy enough to be using a RAID if that's really what
>> you need. But then, imaging would be a much better solution for backup
>> purposes.
>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:40 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I've got two drives I should have been using a mirroring tool
>> to...mirror.
>> > But due to laziness and thinking it would be easy to not, I had not.  So
>> now
>> > I am checking for missing files between the two.
>> >
>> > Drive 1 has folder A with 13 files in the folder.  If I get properties on
>> > this folder, it says there are 18 files in the folder.  I have show
>> hidden
>> > files checked, I triple checked that value to be sure.  So I am showing 5
>> > ghost files.  When I get properties on the files contained in the two
>> > drives, I've got a 500 file difference with the one showing at least 5
>> ghost
>> > files having 500 more files.  I am perplexed to be sure.  I've run error
>> > check..any ideas?
>> >
>> > win 7
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