An interesting note: Win7 has moved this to C:\Users\Public\Desktop.
Anyway, I'm unaware of a method to automatically redirect a shortcut
from the public desktop to your own.

It wouldn't affect me for a few reasons. First, I would just replace
the shortcut as soon as I found it missing, probably via the SendTo
context menu, likely without even thinking about it. Second, since
Vista I've used ObjectDock to arrange my apps into 5 tabs (kind of
like one could do in WinXP). Lastly, the five apps I use for a work
project are all set to launch simultaneously via Macro Express when I
press ctrl+alt+v.

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Michael Wosnick <> wrote:
> I think it's because (by default?) it gets installed in the "all users" 
> desktop folder so the icon is not in my desktop folder per se. When it gets 
> deleted by one of the family, it gets deleted from the common folder.
> So, I figure I should be able to move it from the common folder to the 
> specific user folder but for the life of me that simple task seems to not go 
> well or easily, at least not in my experience. So I want to install in the 
> correct place from the get-go.

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