I'm not a customer either, I wouldn't pay my cellular carrier for the
privilege of mapping how bad their network is.  It's not about politician or
technologist, it's about being a shill or apologist.  I'm neither...I'm a
customer, I pay for a service.  I'm glad the network I'm on doesn't have
such horrid service that they needed to build such an app for their
smartphones.  Maybe if they put money into network improvements instead of
lawyers to whine about verizon spreading the truth, their customers might be

The app is an excellent service. It makes a huge difference when the network provider is proactive in expanding its network to please its customers.

I reported a dead zone where I need to use my phone to T-Mobile a few months ago. I returned to that location last week and I now have reception on my phone. They listened to my request and acted to improve service. The ATT app can do the same for its customers.

I saw the Verizon TV ad again today, comparing networks. Then I remembered how I can roam with T-Mobile on ATT's network and other GSM networks across the country and around the world. There isn't any network that Verizon customers can use for roaming except, well, Verizon. The roaming on other networks expands ATT's coverage to pretty much the same as Verizon's in the US and more in the rest of the world.

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