On Dec 20, 2009, at 10:59 AM, db wrote:
Not that the Mac Dock, Finder and Menu systems don't work. They do but in my opinion, they just don't work as well as they easily could at this point in the dev cycle. They particularly don't work as well as they should for newbies ... whose icons and menus and windows mysteriously seem to go poof ... and for people on the other extreme ... for users with many windows and projects going on simultaneously.

There is nothing "mysterious" about "poof." The way the Dock work is very easy to teach. One drags icons on. One drags icons off. One drags to move icons from one location to another. That's really simple. Why do you insist that it should be made complicated? And as I mentioned before, "poof" and other Dock changes can be disabled via a check box if you insist.

If you want to whine about the Dock you should be whining about the unnecessary distinction that puts apps on the left side and other stuff on the right side. That is a useless and arbitrary distinction that new users find puzzling. "Poof" is not puzzling.

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