Good story of people who are clueless...too bad for these idiots.  People
who don't know what RAID is for, shouldn't be using it, they might hurt

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 11:09 AM, tjpa <> wrote:

> Here is a tale of woe recently posted at Macintouch...
> "After a few months one of our units reset itself wiping the entire RAID5.
> The file data is still there, you just cannot access it since the index is
> corrupted. We now have a data recovery service working on this - the cost is
> well over 6 times the cost of the box plus drives. Yesterday another one
> failed exactly the same way - the system simply resets the RAID. Thecus [the
> RAID vendor] blame WD drive firmware, and after we contacted them they
> removed the WD20EADS from their drive compatibility list. The problem seems
> to be a conflict between the NAS software and the WD drive firmware, but it
> is difficult to say who is to blame. We use the same WD20EADS drives in Mac
> Pros and have no problems with them at all. This raises the question, what
> kind of testing do Thecus do? It looks like they rely on user feedback for
> their drive compatibility list, and don't extensively test themselves."
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