He should be able to do that while re-installing Windows, although I haven't 
installed Win7 yet.  When you boot from the installation CD, read the 
prompts/instructions carefully.  They should give you an option to remove the 
existing partitions, one or all.

Fred Holmes

At 03:41 PM 12/27/2009, Gail Miller wrote:
>HI again ...
>My son is STILL trying to reformat his HDD and delete the partitions. Can you 
>explain how to do that? How to delete the partitions that is.  He's running 
>Windows 7. Would the Ultimate Boot Disk be a good thing or even more confusing 
>for him now? As usual... Many thanks in advance!
>Gail Miller
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Rev. Stewart Marshall" 
>Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 11:42 PM
>>That is the one I was looking for thank you Tom.  (I could not remember the 
>>name of it.)
>>The ultimate Boot disk is FREE for download.
>>It includes all the wonderful utilities I was talking about.
>>Download it and use it.
>>At 07:25 PM 12/24/2009, you wrote:
>>>Yes it would. Scroll back on this thread to where I posted about the
>>>Ultimate Boot Disk. I has lots of malware fighting tools including a
>>>DOS command line.
>>>Or you can keep pissing and moaning with the "it can't be done" crowd.
>>Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
>>Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
>>Ozark, AL  SL 82

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