On Jan 2, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Constance Warner wrote:
This whole thing looks like the replacement of light rail with cars and GM-built buses in the 30's and 40's. Right now, municipalities are trying to rebuild what was destroyed in the name of corporate profits. Destroying low-cost public transit wasn't a good idea, and abolishing landlines isn't either.

You have the right to live almost anywhere you like, but that does not give you the right to a subsidy from the rest of us. You get many benefits from living in the outback, both psychic and financial. It is not right for you happily take all the good and then demand that others pay to ameliorate the negative aspects. You need to decide what you value more, beautiful Internet or beautiful view. If you demand both, then you need to pony up the dough to get it.

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