Amen to that.

I'm concerned that the cost of basic participation in the workforce-- and in society--is going up, with every new device we're expected to acquire and support. For example, when I go in for my next job interview, will I be expected to have a smartphone, a blackberry, or other fancy communications devices--because everybody there has one, and it's one of those marks of status (like a good job-interview suit) that you've got to have to impress the prospective employer? Do I have to have watched the latest, most fashionable cable shows, or be thought a rube?

This might sound silly, but we're constantly told that it's the impression you make at a job interview--that you are LIKE the people who are doing the hiring, and that you look like someone who would be their friend--that counts most. And I hope that if/when I actually land that job, my boss doesn't expect to be in constant communication with me on a Blackberry or iPhone I can't possibly afford on what he pays me. I've had to take jobs like that before, where the pay was nearly wiped out by the overhead costs of working there, and with expensive communications devices to support, the price to the employee is going up.

Actually, the "job interview" thing is a bit optimistic--these days, you're VERY LUCKY to get a job interview, let alone a job.

On Jan 29, 2010, at 10:51 AM, Stewart Marshall wrote:

The problem I see is that we are being asked to pay dearly for connectivity and everyone wants a piece of the action.

Buy a device pay for a connection plan.

I do not want to do all that.

I would like to consolidate some of my connection plans so I am not paying so much.


At 09:45 AM 1/29/2010, you wrote:
I heard a tech reporter say 'who needs 3g, wifi is almost everywhere'.
Where do these people live?

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