On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:21 PM, t.piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2010, at 5:30 PM, David K Watson wrote:
>> While price was probably an issue, I don't myself think that it was
>> the main one in Apple's decision to keep the physical interfaces
>> to a minimum.  Apple likes to promote itself as the company whose
>> devices just work, and if they had USB ports on the iPad then there
>> would immediately be thousands of things that wouldn't work with it.
>> By making sure that all input comes in wirelessly (where you have
>> one set of expectations) or through the dock (where they have
>> full control), Apple has a better chance of making sure that
>> everything "Just Works".
> Precisely right.

  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Is this why Apple did not include a CD/DVD drive
in the "Air"?  Or, was that a size or pricing consideration or even
analogous to Apple dropping floppy drives?  My iMac has USB.  Apple
apparently was not concerned about "things that wouldn't work with it"
in that instance.

  I do not think that any of us know for sure why Apple decided to
exclude ports on the iPad.


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