On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:26 PM, David K Watson wrote:
As for Apple's <<horrrrible>>
app restrictions, I have to say that if they have allowed 140,000+
applications ranging from useless and/or disturbing apps like iFart
and Fishbate (you don't really want to know) to things like Google
Voice, then those restrictions can't be too severe.  Contrary to a
lot of noise from people who were never going to buy anything
Apple anyway, the app guidelines are actually fairly clear and
are primarily designed to ensure application stability and user
privacy.  The app approval process is much more akin to academic
peer review than it is to Chinese censorship.

I read recently about an app loaded onto a smartphone that did not have a review/approval process in place. The app did all sorts of mischief leading to huge bills for the poor sap who downloaded it. It think a large part of Apple's approval process is trying to prevent such problems.

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