Apologies, I let myself get away from myself.  I usually hit Tom's crazy
talk with hyperbole of my own.  I suppose the difference is, I know it's
hyperbole.  So to present company, no insult intended.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Chris Dunford <seed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I know freedom scares liberals like you, things like self reliance are
> > frightening.
> Sorry, Mike, but this is unnecessary, incorrect, and insulting. You know
> I'm liberal. Do you seriously believe that I am frightened by self-reliance
> even though I've been self-employed for nearly
> thirty years? Or that I spend my time trying to figure out how to get more
> welfare and food stamps? Or that I somehow dislike freedom, or find it
> frightening? Come on.
> And lest you think I'm somehow unique, I can assure you that I am not. I
> don't know *any* liberal who thinks the way you seem to believe we do, and I
> know a *lot* of liberals, I promise you.
> This is exactly the sort of sweeping generalization that's ruining
> political discourse in this country.
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