One of the big attractions of the iPod was that it was immediately obvious how to work it. Other MP3 players can still leave one scratching ones head over how to operate them. This article predicts a similar huge market for Apple...

"The second market of aging baby boomers and the greatest generation may be even more significant in that it is mostly untapped. This market has been largely bypassed by the information age. The majority is off the grid and many are computer phobic. The PC or smart phone is not intuitive to them. The iPad doesn’t feel like a computer. It feels like a tool, such as a TV remote control. It turns on at the touch of a button. It doesn’t take forever to turn on, or require esoteric knowledge or a manual. It’s easy to operate. You don’t need a mouse. The screen is large enough for aging eyes (vs. small screens of smart phones). And users can get 3G continuous Internet access. The iPad for this market introduces online banking, iTunes (music, TV episodes, movies, etc.), YouTube, Facebook, Google, Bing, Hulu, Flickr, and the Web in general easily. And grandparents will finally be able to see pictures and videos of their grandkids instantly while directly communicating with them via email or chat. Apple is tapping a huge greenfield market."

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