Hardware is different than software.

until a piece of hardware hits the retail shelves it is not real, as it can be tweaked played with etc. Software is similar but usually they soak the ground with betas etc.

MS is working with phone manufacturers to make sure they meet certain hardware minimums that MS wants. Already they are talking a 1 Ghz processor within the phone. Until the phone meets software we will just have to see.

Last night I saw the first ads for the Ipad. Lots of Ad space, but not a real look at it. Until it hits the shelves (it has already been delayed) we wont know real world reviews of it.

Lets be honest here. If MS announced a spectacular new piece of hardware/software and did not let you feel it and touch itl, you would cry that it is vapor ware until it actually hit the shelves.

I wont go that far with the Ipad. It is not reality until it is in the hands of the consumers and the reviewers (not prototypes, but real actual live Ipads)

I already saw where the CEO of ATT was saying most folks do not want to pay for an extra 3G service plan. So he did not expect a huge number of those to be sold.

Kind of a strange comment to me.


At 07:06 PM 3/8/2010, you wrote:
Until it hits retail shelves it does not exist.

We have only seen Jobs handle it and some after time playing. Same with Windows 7 phone.

On April 3 we will see the whole story when it hits the shelves.


At 05:51 PM 3/8/2010, you wrote:
On Mar 8, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
Sort of like the Ipad right now.

No, the iPad exists. You can drive nails with it. It is not yet
available for retail sale, but that is not the same as being fictitious.

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