Let's not overly analyze things here.  I'm not saying we need to pick Manifold 
CF, but if we do, we certainly can solve these writing issues by either 
re-writing the sentences in question (instead of search/replace) and just use 

As for the Exceptions, I find an exception named ACFException meaningless to an 
app dev. anyway.  Duh it's an ACFException, it came from ACF.  You don't call 
an IOException a JavaException just b/c it came from Java, you give it a name 
that relates to the thing that went wrong, as in something went wrong doing IO. 
 Give it a name that says what happened.

On Sep 21, 2010, at 3:16 AM, Karl Wright wrote:

> Folks,
> The ManifoldCF name possibility leads to some challenges as far as our
> documentation is concerned.  I thought that it might be a good idea
> during the vote to explore those to see what people thought.
> Here are some examples of how Apache Connectors Framework might get
> used in text:
> "Apache Connectors Framework is an interesting offering from Apache.
> ACF links repositories with search indices.  That's what ACF does.
> The Apache Connectors Framework is a framework for repository
> connectors primarily."
> The above is not technically proper.  So instead we might conceivably
> have done this:
> "Apache Connectors Framework is an interesting offering from Apache.
> Connectors Framework links repositories with search indices.  That's
> what CF does.  The Connectors Framework is a framework for repository
> connectors primarily."
> What is the equivalent for Apache ManifoldCF?
> "Apache ManifoldCF is an interesting offering from Apache.  ManifoldCF
> links repositories with search indices.  That's what MCF does.
> ManifoldCF is a framework for repository connectors primarily."
> Note that the difference is that we would never say, "The Apache
> ManifoldCF... " or "The Apache Manifold Connectors Framework...", just
> "ManifoldCF...".
> Would we want to use the MCF abbreviation at all?  Or just convert ACF
> -> ManifoldCF wherever it is found in documentation?
> Similarly, the handle "acf" in package and class names would need to
> be addressed:
> org.apache.acf.core.interfaces.ACFException -> ?
> org.apache.acf.core.system.ACF -> ?
> ...bearing in mind that you'd better choose a consistent treatment for
> uppercase ACF in both contexts.
> (FWIW, my initial thought is:
> org.apache.acf.core.interfaces.ACFException ->
> org.apache.mcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException
> org.apache.acf.core.system.ACF -> org.apache.mcf.core.system.ManifoldCF)
> Thoughts?
> Karl

Grant Ingersoll
http://lucenerevolution.org Apache Lucene/Solr Conference, Boston Oct 7-8

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