That sounds fine with me. Assuming by "ACF" you mean the full name "Apache Connectors Framework" with ACF as the "local" informal name, although in practice maybe everybody would refer to it, even externally, as "ACF" as well, as was with "LCF".

-- Jack Krupansky

From: "Karl Wright" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:16 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Exploring ManifoldCF ramifications

Add: Maniplex

I think we've indeed reopened discussion on this issue.  I'll track
these names and once again hold a vote for the purposes of selection,
this time NOT including ACF.  Then we will have a final vote on
whether to replace ACF with the new name, whatever we come up with.


On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Jack Krupansky
<> wrote:
It sounds like the vote is moot pending resolution of the doc/code usage
issue, but I'll go ahead and withdraw my vote at least temporarily pending
further evolution of the issue.

Are we going to reopen name suggestions? I few I had:

Congo ["Con" for connectors]
RepoMan ["Repo" for Repositories]
ConMan? ["Con" for Content, but too shady]
Reconto ["Re" for Repository, "Con" for Connector or "Cont" for Content]
Reptile ["Rep" for Repositories, "tile" as an allusion to organizing or
arranging things]
Ralph [In honor of Ralph Kramden, "bus" driver on The Honeymooners. ACF is a
form of "software bus"]
Connie ["Conn" for Connectors]
Repositor [Abbreviation  of Repository, "tor" of connector]

They may not be great, but maybe somebody can create derivative names to
improve them. If there are trademark issues (e.g., Congo), maybe subtle
variations (other than bolting on "CF") could fix the problem.

-- Jack Krupansky

From: "Karl Wright" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 9:28 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Exploring ManifoldCF ramifications

Do you wish to change your vote, in that case?

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Jack Krupansky
<> wrote:

I'd much prefer a simple, short, name. Using a descriptive phrase as a
has these problems. Tacking on "CF" does indeed "fix" one problem, but at
high cost.

That said, I am okay with a combo of a short name and a long name. So, if
the short name were "Ralph", the long name would be "Apache Ralph
Framework" and we would speak of either "the Apache Ralph Connectors
Framework" or just "Ralph." Class names would begin with the capitalized short name, "Ralph", and package and file names would use the lower-case, "ralph" as in "org.apache.ralph.core.interfaces.RalphException." And upon
graduation, the project would be housed at

Now, I wasn't seriously considering "Ralph" as a name for LCF, but... it
works for me.

-- Jack Krupansky

From: "Karl Wright" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:16 AM
To: "connectors-dev" <>
Subject: Exploring ManifoldCF ramifications


The ManifoldCF name possibility leads to some challenges as far as our
documentation is concerned.  I thought that it might be a good idea
during the vote to explore those to see what people thought.

Here are some examples of how Apache Connectors Framework might get
used in text:

"Apache Connectors Framework is an interesting offering from Apache.
ACF links repositories with search indices.  That's what ACF does.
The Apache Connectors Framework is a framework for repository
connectors primarily."

The above is not technically proper.  So instead we might conceivably
have done this:

"Apache Connectors Framework is an interesting offering from Apache.
Connectors Framework links repositories with search indices.  That's
what CF does.  The Connectors Framework is a framework for repository
connectors primarily."

What is the equivalent for Apache ManifoldCF?

"Apache ManifoldCF is an interesting offering from Apache.  ManifoldCF
links repositories with search indices.  That's what MCF does.
ManifoldCF is a framework for repository connectors primarily."

Note that the difference is that we would never say, "The Apache
ManifoldCF... " or "The Apache Manifold Connectors Framework...", just

Would we want to use the MCF abbreviation at all?  Or just convert ACF
-> ManifoldCF wherever it is found in documentation?

Similarly, the handle "acf" in package and class names would need to
be addressed:

org.apache.acf.core.interfaces.ACFException -> ?
org.apache.acf.core.system.ACF -> ?

...bearing in mind that you'd better choose a consistent treatment for
uppercase ACF in both contexts.

(FWIW, my initial thought is:

org.apache.acf.core.interfaces.ACFException ->
org.apache.acf.core.system.ACF -> org.apache.mcf.core.system.ManifoldCF)



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