NEW *CultTech Summer School* on *Cultural Heritage Materials and
Technologies*, Greece, July 2017

This is to inform you about our NEW *CultTech Summer School* on *Cultural
Heritage Materials and Technologies *hosted by the University of the
Peloponnese which is to take place in *Kalamata, Greece*.

The program operates within the Peloponnese, an advanced natural and
cultural environment that hosts a plethora of historical and archaeological
sites and monuments. Studies on the interdisciplinary field of Cultural
Heritage and Science/Technology offer the great potential of a modern and
balanced educational syllabus; they also produce an ideal platform for
holistic approaches that are guaranteed by the creative mixing of
up-to-date methodologies through archaeological science, archaeometry and
Cultural Heritage technologies.

*CultTech* *Summer School *is oriented from the *Department of History,
Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management*
<>*, **University of the Peloponnese*
<> and operates in collaboration with
the *Demokritos National Center for Scientific Research*
<>*,* the  *National
Observatory of Athens* <> and key
lecturers from other academic institutes in Greece. The official language
of the program is English and the duration is *2 full weeks from 9 - 22 of
July 2017*, consisting of lectures, a 3-day field-trip practice to Pylos
and guided educational tours to historical sites, museums and monuments.

Students or graduates from all related fields, e.g. archaeology, cultural
heritage management, conservation, materials science and engineering are
welcome to apply!

*Applications now open*.

For more information regarding the curriculum, fees and procedures, please
visit or contact

Evangelia Kyriazi, MSc
Conservator of Stone, Fossils, Antiquities & Works of Art,
PhD Researcher, University of Peloponnese
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