One of the rather idiosyncratic dance groups that I belong to has a
specific dance that we do in memory of a recently deceased member, as well
as all the other dancers who came and left before. We also do it at camps
to remember anyone who can’t join us for whatever reason. The dance is
named Empty Shoes.

At a more open dance, if it is recent and the person is locally known I
might post a note at the front table with a brief obituary and let the
volunteers know that a dance will be dedicated at some point in the night.

>From the microphone, I would make the announcement one dance ahead so
people have the chance to step out. Then keep it brief, basically to the
extent of, “Some of you may not have heard, but XYZ person passed away
recently.  They were a valuable part of our/the national dance community
for many years and will be missed. The next dance is one that they
wrote/particularly enjoyed, and I want to share it with you in their

Neal Schlein
Librarian, MSLIS
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