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发件人: Yi Yang (杨�D)-云服务集团 
发送时间: 2019年5月30日 14:08
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主题: Is Read from follower shard ok and openflowplugin master must be shard
重要性: 高


Hi, folks


I have some questions about ODL clustering and openflowplugin clustering,
look forward to getting your great help, thank you in advance.


# Q1. Is only leader node responsible for synchronizing data store to other
followers for any shard?


# Q2. Openflowplugin clustering also has master, per its document, only
openflowplugin master node can do write operation against inventory data
store, then what if this openflowplugin master node is follower shard?


# Q3. Can we do more granular shard per openflow node(DPID) in inventory? I
don’t think it makes sense that the inventory for one openflowplugin
cluster is replicated to all the other openflowplugin clusters (assume there
are many openflowplugin clusters because many south nodes/devices are there)


# Q4. Anybody can recommend node number of a ODL cluster which will manage
10000 compute/network nodes? I think leader nodes will have too high
workload if number of ODL cluster node is too big so that it can’t do
horizontal scale, per current default shard strategy, every node has all the
data store, that looks more like data store replication, not distribute data
store on all the nodes.


# Q5. Is it possible to run an asymmetric ODL cluster? I mean some nodes are
full stack (there are netvirt, sfc, genius, etc), some nodes are southbound
only (only install openflowplugin, ovsdb). I don’t think we must run other
stuff in south bound device management nodes except southbound protocols.


#Q6. I know data store read can be done in any node, but is it read from
local shard in fact? Per document, it seems shard manager is doing this, if
local shard is not leader, it will do this from remote shard leader.


#Q7. Anybody can propose a good ODL clustering solution for a super scale
data center which has 10000 nodes?


#Q8. Does shard size have any limitation? Per my evaluation from 3 nodes
inventory, inventory for 2000 nodes will be more than 2G, for so big data
set, can IMDS handle it very efficiently? I understand CDS is also using
IMDS locally, right?


#Q9. Is it feasible to use distributed database as data store backend? I saw
opencontrail/Tungsten Fabric is using Cassandra to save all the config data.
It looks like a good idea to use existing database clustering solution, a
big concern is it doesn’t support data change notification and listener, do
we have some other way to do this for such databases?


#Q10. Can we split data store of a module into more shards? I mean these
shards include different data set, they form whole data store. I think this
is a good way to do distributed data store and is more horizontally
scalable. It will be better if every node which hosts data store shard can
read it.


#Q11. An application have one instance in every node, how does ODL decide
which application instance to handle data change notification and data


#12. How does an application use entity ownership service? What’s the
difference between master, leader and EOS owner? I’m confused a bit.

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