On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 8:58 PM Yi Yang (杨燚)-云服务集团 <yangy...@inspur.com>

> Thanks Anil. Let us discuss more in today’s weekly meeting.
> Do you mean any part in openflowplugin project won’t write config
> inventory? But I think the below features will write it.
> odl-openflowplugin-app-config-pusher
> odl-openflowplugin-app-reconciliation-framework
> odl-openflowplugin-app-forwardingrules-manager
> odl-openflowplugin-app-arbitratorreconciliation
> In addition, I know some flows are installed by packet-in, is it possible
> to install all the flows in config inventory into open vswitch bridge
> regardless of packet in? Controller disconnection  shouldn’t affect normal
> packet forwarding anyway.
These are the support applications that is written on top of the
openflowplugin, so yes, application are allowed to modify the config data

> It looks like ODL redisgn is only feasible way for super scale data center
> J, I read your google doc in ONS, are you Lumina developing such
> solution? See you in weekly meeting today.

> *发件人:* Anil Vishnoi [mailto:vishnoia...@gmail.com]
> *发送时间:* 2019年6月1日 2:40
> *收件人:* Yi Yang (杨燚)-云服务集团 <yangy...@inspur.com>
> *抄送:* mdsal-...@lists.opendaylight.org;
> controller-dev@lists.opendaylight.org;
> openflowplugin-...@lists.opendaylight.org; d...@lists.opendaylight.org;
> abhijit.kumbh...@ericsson.com; avish...@luminanetworks.com;
> robert.va...@pantheon.tech
> *主题:* Re: [controller-dev] 答复: Is Read from follower shard ok and
> openflowplugin master must be shard leader?
> Hi Yi,
> Please see inline...
> On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 5:04 PM Yi Yang (杨燚)-云服务集团 <yangy...@inspur.com>
> wrote:
> Also cc dev mailing list for getting more responses.
> *发件人:* Yi Yang (杨燚)-云服务集团
> *发送时间:* 2019年5月30日 14:08
> *收件人:* 'mdsal-...@lists.opendaylight.org' <
> mdsal-...@lists.opendaylight.org>; 'controller-dev@lists.opendaylight.org'
> <controller-dev@lists.opendaylight.org>; '
> openflowplugin-...@lists.opendaylight.org' <
> openflowplugin-...@lists.opendaylight.org>
> *抄送:* 'robert.va...@pantheon.tech' <robert.va...@pantheon.tech>; '
> tompante...@gmail.com' <tompante...@gmail.com>; '
> avish...@luminanetworks.com' <avish...@luminanetworks.com>; '
> abhijit.kumbh...@ericsson.com' <abhijit.kumbh...@ericsson.com>
> *主题:* Is Read from follower shard ok and openflowplugin master must be
> shard leader?
> *重要性:* 高
> Hi, folks
> I have some questions about ODL clustering and openflowplugin clustering,
> look forward to getting your great help, thank you in advance.
> # Q1. Is only leader node responsible for synchronizing data store to
> other followers for any shard?
> # Q2. Openflowplugin clustering also has master, per its document, only
> openflowplugin master node can do write operation against inventory data
> store, then what if this openflowplugin master node is follower shard?
> OpenFlow plugin is driven by the devices connected to it, in the clustered
> setup. OpenFlow plugin allows you to connect your device to any of the
> controller node (one or more), and internally it will decide which node
> from the cluster will be the owner/master of the device using Cluster
> SIngleton Service + EOS. Once the owner/master is decided, that
> owner/master is the one allowed to write data to the "operational"
> inventory (plugin don't write to config inventory).
> # Q3. Can we do more granular shard per openflow node(DPID) in inventory?
> I don’t think it makes sense that the inventory for one openflowplugin
> cluster is replicated to all the other openflowplugin clusters (assume
> there are many openflowplugin clusters because many south nodes/devices are
> there)
> are you assuming multiple OpenDaylight cluster instance running and
> sharing data to each other ? e.g 2 cluster setup running and sharing data
> throw some external mechanism or a cluster with 6 nodes in it? If you are
> looking at the scale of 10000 device, and assuming that each cluster can
> manage 500 devices, you will have to deploy 20 cluster setup or you will
> have to create cluster with 60 nodes in it. Both of these options are
> pretty much not practical for the production environment.
> # Q4. Anybody can recommend node number of a ODL cluster which will manage
> 10000 compute/network nodes? I think leader nodes will have too high
> workload if number of ODL cluster node is too big so that it can’t do
> horizontal scale, per current default shard strategy, every node has all
> the data store, that looks more like data store replication, not distribute
> data store on all the nodes.
> In my experience and opinion, ODL in clustered setup is not a solution
> here. As i mentioned above, with cluster setup i can think of two possible
> solution as i mentioned above. Deploying 20 cluster will be operational
> nightmare (E.g per cluster partition issues, device switching between
> cluster, device inventory data sharing across cluster on device switching
> etc). Apart from that you will need external mechanism to share the data
> between these clusters. And depends on your application, things can get
> even more complicated to maintain in production environment. If you go with
> the second option of 60 nodes in cluster, i am not even sure this cluster
> even will boot up properly :), let alone managing the devices. To make it
> work, you need to go with the prefix-based-sharding and cook a solution per
> device (per deivce shard, nodes where this shard can be replicated, making
> sure that device connection only switch to the node where the devie shard
> is replicated etc etc etc).
> # Q5. Is it possible to run an asymmetric ODL cluster? I mean some nodes
> are full stack (there are netvirt, sfc, genius, etc), some nodes are
> southbound only (only install openflowplugin, ovsdb). I don’t think we must
> run other stuff in south bound device management nodes except southbound
> protocols.
> I think you can do that, but if you want HA for your application and
> southbound plugins and also you want to run these in exlusion, 3 node
> cluster is not going to work (atleast you need 4 nodes in cluster).
> #Q6. I know data store read can be done in any node, but is it read from
> local shard in fact? Per document, it seems shard manager is doing this, if
> local shard is not leader, it will do this from remote shard leader.
> #Q7. Anybody can propose a good ODL clustering solution for a super scale
> data center which has 10000 nodes?
> In my experience, if you are looking for stable production environment
> with low operation cost (logistic, resource, support etc), ODL in
> "clustering" environment is probably not at-par solution. Luis and myself,
> shared some high level thoughts on how we can achieve this kind of scale
> using horizontally scalable system in the ONS summit. Here is the deck if
> you want to get more details.
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gDLHyyuh8VVRpzHpTq9GDkv4XKAe3EaSbm2uGJFTiO8/edit?usp=sharing
> #Q8. Does shard size have any limitation? Per my evaluation from 3 nodes
> inventory, inventory for 2000 nodes will be more than 2G, for so big data
> set, can IMDS handle it very efficiently? I understand CDS is also using
> IMDS locally, right?
> #Q9. Is it feasible to use distributed database as data store backend? I
> saw opencontrail/Tungsten Fabric is using Cassandra to save all the config
> data. It looks like a good idea to use existing database clustering
> solution, a big concern is it doesn’t support data change notification and
> listener, do we have some other way to do this for such databases?
> #Q10. Can we split data store of a module into more shards? I mean these
> shards include different data set, they form whole data store. I think this
> is a good way to do distributed data store and is more horizontally
> scalable. It will be better if every node which hosts data store shard can
> read it.
> #Q11. An application have one instance in every node, how does ODL decide
> which application instance to handle data change notification and data
> listener?
> #12. How does an application use entity ownership service? What’s the
> difference between master, leader and EOS owner? I’m confused a bit.
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> --
> Thanks
> Anil

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