Bad news - 9.1 Show-Stopper!

On my machine with a Soltek motherboard and an add-on PCI Promise IDE2&3 controller 9.1 installs from hd.img and the 9.1 tree faultlessly.

On my other machine with a Gigabyte motherboard with integrated Promise controller Installing 9.1 from an hd.img floppy immediately says "No DISK drive!"

This is confirmed by Alt F1 and Alt F3 indicating that the only IDE channels are 0 and 1.

For both machines:

CD-RW is on IDE1 primary.

CR-ROM is on IDE1 primary.

My two hard disks are primaries on hde and hdg and there is no raid.

They have to be on IDE2 and IDE3 because they are ATA100 or above and IDE0 and IDE1 only support ATA66 and below. Many motherboards operate this way.

Using 9.1 MakeCD to create CDs, these CDs hit the same problem - the installer looping between hd and scsi dialogs in a most unhelpful manner.

9.0 installed and runs perfectly on this configuration on both machines.

We therefore have a show-stopper regression.   Serious!

The strong implication is that nobody in Mandrake development or QA uses ATA100 or up disk drives on IDE2 or 3 on this motherboard - true?

Once more, another release showstopper reported by Ron.

When can we expect a fix, and how will it be delivered?

What special diagnostics should I run to help you identify the problem in 9.1?

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
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