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Jason Straight wrote:
> Ok, now that I've taken time to collect myself and calm the fsck down.
> Why is ifplugd default?
> If it's for laptop users who switch network locations:
> 1. Why build the distro for laptops when more use it on desktops?

Let's drop SCSI support while we're at it? What about firewire (I mean,
how many desktops ship with firewire ports compared to laptops) and
support for LCD panels?

> 2. Who ever switches network cables and needs to have it reconfigured for
> them?

Users (ie not admins).

> I mean how often does someone really travel to another location with
> another network and not reboot and restart?

Every time they us a cross-over cable to transfer something.

Do you really think I want to tell our director over an international
cellphone call how to restart the network and/or configure routes to
transfer files to a windows machine which has now auto-configured itself?

> 3. Most people who roam around and hotplug network would be on
wireless, which
> takes care of that in it's own configuration (pcmcia), not ifplugd.

For PCMCIA users, it is not too much of a problem, if you're prepared to
tell them to pop the card every time they plug into a different network
(ie cross-over cable), but for on-board ethernet cards that's not possible.

> I just don't understand who would want ifplugd? It's a dangerous thing
> caused problems on machines that I would never have put a utility like
> on, but I didn't know and didn't have any warning.

It's not dangerous, it only highilghted the dangers you had in your
network (ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 would have killed your network in the
same way ...).


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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