If you remaster CD1, actually there are three big issues :
- the LG drives problem
- the updates
- the default installed applications.
In KDE, a new install has very few applications installed. It was a nice idea to split the kde packages for space reason. What is not nice is that KDE seems completely empty after install (and I am not talking about the update-menus bug though). This is a bug I reported before, for RC1 but also RC2 (bug #5453), and early reviews show criticisms for this. Mozilla is not installed by default, there is no KMail, games are almost empty... At least, Gnome has Galeon and Evolution. Mandrake is supposed to be nice with newbies, thus some more basic applications should be enabled at start, instead of having to install them oneself.
This may be corrected also for a remastering of the CD1, by increasing the number of default installed applications.


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