On Sunday 26 October 2003 07:28 am, John Allen wrote:
> On Sunday 26 October 2003 12:23 pm, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> > On Sunday 26 October 2003 01:51 am, John Allen wrote:
> > > Could you post a .conf file for creating 2 DVD-R's?
> > >
> > > Currently I just run MakeCD without specifying a config file; it is
> > > better to specify a config file?
> >
> > same here the only real difference is that your cd's will read cooker
> > download edition or something like that instead of reading as mandrake
> > 9.2, 10, or 10.1, etc. Also with the config file you can specifiy things
> > and customize the install a little more.
> >
> > For me i just edit the base/rpmsrate and then run makecd. If you want dvd
> > you can use --disksize but i do not remember the exact size for a dvd.
> I've been making DVD-R's not problem. Where is the doc for the .conf files
> I find them unreadable, I would be most grateful if anybody can point me in
> the right direction as to the .conf file documentation.
I don't think there is any, which is why I started the twiki page.  If I can 
piece together everybody's tips and tricks and uses of mkcd, maybe we can get 
a good doc on the matter.  So please report your usage in detail, or if you 
have write access to twiki, add it to the page.

"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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