> > have you tried adding "--nocompress"
> > cramfs is already compressed and adding --nocompress increases the
> > size with~2k
> Yes, I tried, with --compress, the initrd is really a cramfs one (not a
> gzipped cramfs), so it needs the cramfs initrd patch.
> Same results, the cramfs image is recognized, but cannot be mounted.
> It won't make any difference to compress or not the cramfs initrd if the
> cramfs initrd patch is applied.
> I repeat one more time: it is only needed for non-compressed cramfs
> initrd :-)
> > i've tried your initrd changes and all seemd fine until it actually
> > tried to mount it
> > :-) i've forgotten to compile in cramfs :-)
> > so let see what happens when the recompile is ready
> Good luck :)

only luck wont help :(

it didn't worked, but it works with the debian's mkinitrd

have you missed that cramfs is readonly ?
we actually are missing /dev/root
as "mkrootdev /dev/root" fails  -- read only fs
but it probably needs quite deeper changes


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