From: "Oden Eriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> onsdagen den 15 januari 2003 12.49 skrev Thomas Backlund:
> > From: "Oden Eriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> Maybe download a test package a couple of times from each mirror and make
> average, repeat this for all(?) mirrors. This should be done once, but
> as an option to re-validate.

Thisn is the problem... Some times for examle sunet and sunsite are 'slow'
due to
heavy workload, if you happend to do the test then, they will get a low

So how will you know when to re-validate ?
 ( of course when you know the mirrors, it's easy, but for an average user,
    it could be a pain in ...)

> Yes, this is what I had in mind, but with less words ;)

Yeah, I know...
I'm not 'a man of a few words...'  ;-)


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