
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:20:56 +0200
Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Yes, nvram (which is already included in the kernel). The RPM will
> > add the required lines to your /etc/modules.conf to make it work
> > with devfs.
> Wha about permissions on the nvram device? Or should this be run as
> root(but then launching user-space programs as root for mail etc)?

No, I'm running at under my user. As read access to this device seems to
be enough to run tpb, I changed to group of the device to users and gave
the group read permissons. But I don't think this is ok for everyone.

Maybe adding a new group thinkpad is the best sollution (that's how the
debian package does it)? Then every user who is in this group can access
the thinkpad specific stuff.

> Also, should there not be some way of starting it as a daemon
> automatically (/etc/X11/xinit.d/ or /etc/rc.d/init.d ?).

Well, I use gnome session control to start it using:
 /usr/bin/tpb --config=/home/mr/.tpb/tpbrc

I don't know if you can just start it without X, but I don't think so?!

> How about changing some of the defaults, such as:
> OSDPOS  middle
> OSDALIGN        center

Yeah, I'm using that as well:

OSDFONT       -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-15
OSDCOLOR      Green
OSDPOS        bottom
OSDALIGN      center

(I also have to specify the font, otherwise I get an error message and
no OSD).

Hmmm... are you going to change this or shall I send you a new spec?

  Michael Reinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://mr.uue.org

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