Steady on. I hope that Bill and I can finagle coot into working with whatever gtk+ it has been provided.

FWIW, Gtk+3 in the works and Gtk+4 is on the horizon.


On 25/04/2020 03:35, Edward Miller wrote:
Thanks, Bill, as always for the dedicated support.

I've been a fink user, actually due to your packages, for at least ten years.

Maybe it's time to switch to home-brew? Would they have more gtk+2 flexibility?


Ed Miller

On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 4:52 PM William G. Scott < <>> wrote:

    Hi Ed (and COOT list):

    I’ve put updated info files here:

    I’m trying to get these into fink as soon as possible, BUT there
    are two show-stopper problems:

    (1) The old refmac I have won’t compile with the newer versions of
    gcc, and we really need a new version of this anyway for coot. 
    (Coot only requires refmac at runtime, so it can use whatever
    version you might have with CCP4). If anyone knows of a more
    recent version that is available for unrestricted download and
    installation, please let me know.

    (2) Coot itself requires a newer version of gtk+2 than what fink
    has, and they are objecting that the newer version of gtk+2 has
    bugs in it that break other programs, so I am stuck on a
    pre-release version of coot.

    None of this is at all satisfactory, and I apologize.

    I haven’t yet had a chance to download the most recent CCP4
    package, but from what I understand, it has the latest coot (and
    refmac), so if you need the new version, I suggest you do that.

    If we can’t have a more recent version of coot in fink vs. ccp4,
    and can’t have refmac, it kind of makes it pointless to maintain
    coot in fink.


    William G. Scott
    Director, Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
    University of California at Santa Cruz
    Santa Cruz, California 95064

    > On Apr 24, 2020, at 10:24 AM, William G. Scott <
    <>> wrote:
    > Hi Ed:
    > Briefly, I need to update the package.
    > Less briefly, I need to change to gcc9, which is easy, and I
    need to update to the latest version of coot, 0.9, which is
    proving to be a nightmare.
    > I need to go teach a class and will then get back to you with
    something I hope will work.
    > Bill
    > PS:  If you just want the latest coot, it looks like the latest
    version of CCP4, just released, has it.  They are ahead of me.
    > William G. Scott
    > Director, Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    > Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    > and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
    > University of California at Santa Cruz
    > Santa Cruz, California 95064
    > USA
    >> On Apr 24, 2020, at 8:57 AM, Edward Miller
    < <>> wrote:
    >> Hi Professor Scott,
    >> I'm trying to install coot via fink on OS X 10.15. This is a
    clean fink install, so I completely blasted my /sw directory prior
    to this.
    >> The installation is looking for a gcc5 package:
    >> Can't resolve dependency "gcc5-shlibs (>= 5.1.0-2)" for package
    "coot-0.8.9-2" (no matching packages/versions found)
    >> Exiting with failure.
    >> Is this dependency correct?
    >> Thanks for your help and for contributing to crystallography on
    os x for all these years.
    >> Ed Miller


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