Alan Bateman wrote:
Andrew John Hughes wrote:
The use of synchronized at present seems flawed as only the set
methods are protected and not the get.  So lb.get could be called
while in an lb.put call.  I don't see the reason for using a
LongBuffer either, as only index 0 is ever used.  Why not use an
The LongBuffer is a direct buffer with a reference to memory in the PerfData instrumentation buffer. This is the shared memory that jvmstat clients (jstat, VisualVM , ..) will attach to in order to monitor the VM.
I can add synchronized in the get method. The PerfData instrumentation buffer is designed to be read by another process such as jstat tool so that we can monitor a running VM without interfering its execution.

What is the purpose of d3dAvailable?  I don't know this piece of code
so I'm not sure what it's counting, but it will presumably be zero
forever on non-Windows systems.
Mandy can say more about this, but it essentially allows jstat to see if the target VM is using the D3D pipeline or not.

Exactly. D3D pipeline is not always available on all Windows machines and it depends on the graphic board, the OS version, and other configuration. We have been doing startup performance measurement on various systems and there is perf difference with D3D available or not. Adding a counter (it should be a constant counter) to indicate if D3D pipeline is available would be useful.

Note that d3dAvailable is only added when running on Windows. On Solaris/Linux, ClientCounters class will not be initialized and thus d3dAvailable is not added. I should add a comment to describe about platform-specific counters or optional counters.


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