Hi Roger,

Thanks for the comments and sorry for the incorrect link.

Please see the updated webrev which includes your suggestions.


Thanks and Regards,
Nadeesh TV

On 7/21/2016 6:59 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
Hi Nadeesh,

Found the changes in http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntv/8066806/webrev.09/

Inthelenient mode,*the*parser will be greedy and parse*the*maximum digits 

The lines 1473, 1479, 1485, etc. are way too long, perhaps wrap/break them so each line starts with "."

And wrap any other line longer than 100 chars. (Side by side diffs are annoying if the lines are too long).

Otherwise, looks good,

Thanks, Roger

On 7/21/2016 7:21 AM, nadeesh tv wrote:

Please see the updated webrev


Changes in this webrev:
For leninent mode , doc  change in DateTimeFormatterBuilder.java

In the lenient mode, parser will be greedy and parse maximum digits possible.

Added new test cases for lenient mode.

Thanks and Regards,
Nadeesh TV

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