On 6/8/17 10:48 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 07/06/2017 16:14, Amy Lu wrote:

The output for "nonexist" (not supported) LC_ALL is (at least on Solaris): US-ASCII

The output is the same as set LC_ALL from commandline:

$ export LC_ALL=nonexist
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (nonexist)

$ echo $LC_ALL

$ jdk/bin/java Default

I'm not sure why though. Also not sure whether it's the same across platforms, settings. So I make it run with the "nonexist" locale to get the String UNSUPPORTED.

I assume "US-ASCII" is coming from nl_langinfo(CODESET), at least on OSX/Linux/Solaris. I'm surprised that it prints "US-ASCII" on Windows but maybe that needs a system without the JP locales to prove that.
This test won't run on Windows.

    @requires (os.family == "linux" | os.family == "solaris")
which is from the original default.sh

Maybe this test should be expanded to OSX, I can file a separate bug for this purpose (if needed).



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