Please review an update to BCEL release 6.0 [1].

The sources are basically that from the release bundle with the following exceptions:

 * Classes that were not included in the original version are excluded;
 * Classes that are deprecated in BCEL 6.0 are removed;
 * Classes that are used only for the above classes are also removed;
 * Many fields were deprecated in BCEL 6.0 in order to discourage
   direct references, in the JDK, I've removed such deprecation and
   instead made them private/final.
 * BCEL 6.0 applied 'final' to global/local variables pretty
   extensively, which were the only changes to many of the classes.
 * A few Transform classes were updated to adopt to BCEL 6.0.
 * JDK-8162527 [JAXP] XSLT: Investigate why bumping the default class
   file version to 49 (Java 5.0) or higher for bytecode generation
   doesn't work [2] has not been resolved as of this update. Additional
   change [3] is needed before we can move up to possibly Java 5.0.

BCEL has been a very old component. This update therefore removed a large amount of warnings (900+), which is very helpful to the cleaning effort.

All tests passed, including the JCK.




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