On 7/04/2018 3:11 AM, Tony Printezis wrote:
Tony Printezis | @TonyPrintezis | tprinte...@twitter.com

On April 6, 2018 at 12:16:10 PM, David Lloyd (david.ll...@redhat.com) wrote:

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Tony Printezis <tprinte...@twitter.com>
ThreadLocal clearing

Could you clarify what you mean by ThreadLocal clearing?

I mean calling ThreadLocal#remove().

I see. So, anyone who subclasses ThreadLocal can override remove(). And if
remove() is called by Thread::exit, it can be used as an exit hook. (David
Holmes, if this is what you meant in your e-mail: apologies; I

Absolutely! ... Well kind of ... okay actually no, I wasn't thinking at that level of detail yet. ;-)

David H.

I like the suggestion to add an overridable exit() method to ThreadLocal.
you want to avoid calling user code by Thread::exit, would adding
ThreadLocals (which are tagged appropriately) to a queue for later
processing a better approach (similar to the mechanism used for
References /
ReferencesQueues)? The user can of course create a memory leak by not
polling the queue frequently enough. But, that’s also the case for
References. And at least user code cannot block Thread::exit.

It's more complexity, and at some point you have to ask: is it better
to block thread A or thread B? At least blocking thread A is somewhat

I agree re: it’d add complexity. #simplify :-)


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