Hi Peter,

On 22/05/2018 6:36 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 05/22/18 02:05, David Holmes wrote:
Although those well-formed programs may need to check for dups themselves because they don’t want to rely in implementation details (and they are not aware of the probability of implementations deviating).

I'm quite concerned about your level of concern with "dups". This just shouldn't be an issue. While the spec allows for dups javac will never produce them - and file a bug on it if it ever does! Similarly for other compilers - there is no reason to generate duplicate entries.

Javac compiler can misbehave (have bugs) in various ways and produce misbehaving programs, but that doesn't mean that runtime libraries should try all possible ways to work around any imagined compiler misbehavior. I think this is a situation where assert would be appropriate. Unfortunately asserts in j.l.Class are not "allowed" or

Yeah no asserts in Class itself.

what? Would it work if assert was issued in some other class? For example in ReflectionData (if it is going to be used for caching anyway)?

If we were to cache in the future then yes it could be a place to check for and/or filter duplicates.


Regards, Peter

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