
Please review the changes to fix

    JDK-8233452: java.math.BigDecimal.sqrt() with RoundingMode.FLOOR results in incorrect result

Some background on the problem and fix.

The core of the BigDecimal.sqrt method is a Newton-Raphson loop. Given a sufficiently good initial value and given various other side conditions which hold for the square root function, the iteration converges quadratically, in this case to the square root of the receiver BigDecimal. The iteration starts using an initial value computed using Math.sqrt, which is sufficiently good for convergence.

Colloquially, quadratic convergence is described as "double the number of digits right" at each step. More formally, the error bound is reduced such that the error bound of the (k+1)st iteration is a function of the square of the error bound of the k-th iteration where the error bound is << 1.

There are three basic rounding policies on BigDecimal operations:

1) Return an exact result (precision = 0 or RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY).
2) Return the nearest result, choosing a policy for ties (HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP).
3) Directed rounding  (UP, DOWN, CEILING, FLOOR)

Since sqrt is only defined for non-negative values, UP and CEILING are equivalent for that function as are DOWN and FLOOR.

The directed roundings can have an error as much as 1 ulp (unit in the last place) as opposed to an error of only 1/2 ulp under the to-nearest rounding modes.  For example, say the true answer is between 1 and 2 when rounding to integers. Under a to-nearest policy the largest difference between the true numerical answer and the returned results is at most 0.5; the true answer of 1.5 would round to either 1 or 2 depending on how ties were handled. In contrast, under a directed rounding the largest difference can be nearly 1. If the true result is 1.9999999.... and rounding down, the returned results will be 1 and the difference will be 0.9999999....

The Newton iteration reduces the error at each step and, as currently written, it can settle on a value like 2, which is closer to the actual answer, but *incorrect* according to the requested rounding mode.

There are a few ways to fix this one. One is to run the Newton loop to a higher-precision where these finer distinctions can be teased out. If the result is to have a p digits of accuracty, if the loop is run to have 2p+2 digits of precision, the correct final answer will be computed. (Proof of this property for floating-point arithmetic is discussed in various numerical references.) This approach has the disadvantage of running under higher precision at some performance cost. A reference implementation using this technique was added to the regression test.

Another approach is to detect when the result is too large/too small and then subtract/add an ulp as a fix-up. This is the approach taken for BigDecimal.sqrt. It should be a relatively inexpensive detection and fixup using a multiply, a compare, and possibility an add/subtract  as opposed to another divide operation under higher precision from going around the loop again. If enabled, the existing assertions in BigDecimal catch the erroneous answer computed by the existing code since it is detected as not bracketing the true result. The assertions pass when the need code is run against the previously problematic cases.

An approach not explored for this fix would be to arrange for the iteration to start from the "right" side of the number line depending on the rounding mode and then monotonically increase/decrease to approach the square root. For example, if rounding down, to start from a value greater than then root and then have each iteration decrease toward the final result. I believe this is technically possible, but would require some additional analysis to setup.



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