
Some further refinements to the implementation and tests ready for re-review:


The fix-up code for directed roundings (up, down, etc.) was corrected to properly handle rounding down when the interim result is a power of 10, in this case 1.0. The adjustment down in that case needs to be reduced in size since the size of an ulp changes at exponent boundaries. The regression tests cover this situation.

The assertion checks on the numerical properties of the result were restructured to be more informative. One assert was overly strict and made weaker to accommodate the sort of situation discussed in the comments.

The comments make reference to the "2p + 2" property. This concerns floating-point rounding and when a double-rounding problem can be avoided. In brief, if you first round to (p + k) digits than then round that result to p digits, a difference result can be computed than if a single rounding to p digits occurred. For example, both the roundings to (p + k) and p digits could round up when a single rounding up would not round up. However, if the first rounding is to at least (2p + 2) digits, a second rounding to p digits will *not* have the double rounding hazard for +, -, *, / and square root.

The main Newton loop in the square root implementation has been modified to compute at least (2p + 2) digits so the rounding to p digits will be correct without a fix-up. With sufficient analysis, computing to about p digitis instead and doing a fix-up should be possible, but I'll leave that as a refinement for another day.



On 11/7/2019 1:52 PM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:

Hi Joe,

On Nov 5, 2019, at 6:04 PM, Joe Darcy <joe.da...@oracle.com <mailto:joe.da...@oracle.com>> wrote:

Please review the changes to fix

    JDK-8233452: java.math.BigDecimal.sqrt() with RoundingMode.FLOOR results in incorrect result

Some background on the problem and fix.

The core of the BigDecimal.sqrt method is a Newton-Raphson loop.
The Newton iteration reduces the error at each step and, as currently written, it can settle on a value like 2, which is closer to the actual answer, but *incorrect* according to the requested rounding mode.

There are a few ways to fix this one. One is to run the Newton loop to a higher-precision where these finer distinctions can be teased out. […]

Another approach is to detect when the result is too large/too small and then subtract/add an ulp as a fix-up. This is the approach taken for BigDecimal.sqrt. […]

This implementation change looks reasonable to me.

An approach not explored for this fix would be to arrange for the iteration to start from the "right" side of the number line depending on the rounding mode and then monotonically increase/decrease to approach the square root. […] I believe this is technically possible, but would require some additional analysis to setup.

This approach seems more appealing and could perhaps be investigated at a later date.

In the test I think you want to replace “down” with “up" at line 238.


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