> On macOS you need to set the variables differently, but I think it can still 
> work. The variables known to your shell are not the same as those known to 
> LaunchServices. For those use the launchctl command to set them. 

I’m not that familiar with launchctl. Is this something the application user is 
expected to do? What experience I have had with applications and environment 
variables involved adding the entries to Info.plist. Making the environment 
variables normally available to the application as environment variables. 

My question is if there is or will be any kind of OS X support for this in 
jpackage? LSEnvironment settings in the Info.plist file. 

e.g. the following was what was recently mentioned on the javafx list…

Defines PATH environment variable in GNU/Linux and Mac OS X startup scripts.

Otherwise, this seems to be getting a little confusing, for me anyhow, as to 
what you’re trying to do and when. Are you trying to use environment variables 
at build time to replace variables that will be resolved in the config file. 
Which seemed to be what Serban was asking. Or did I misunderstand that and 
Serban actually wants settings that will be resolved at application launch? 
Or do you want to use them at application launch time as some kind of mechanism 
to override config file settings there like jdk memory settings? Which seems to 
what the jdk issue concerned. 

My question seems simpler. I will let others resolve other environment variable 
usage at build or launch time. I am interested in runtime. 

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