On Sat, 16 Apr 2022 14:34:01 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/misc/Blocker.java line 76:
>>> 74:                 && currentCarrierThread() instanceof CarrierThread ct 
>>> && !ct.inBlocking()) {
>>> 75:             ct.beginBlocking();
>>> 76:             long comp = 
>>> ForkJoinPools.beginCompensatedBlock(ct.getPool());
>> It appears that `ForkJoinPools.beginCompensatedBlock(...)` can throw an 
>> exception. Would such an exception require the CarrierThread's blocking 
>> state (which we set on the previous line) to be reset by a call to 
>> `ct.endBlocking()`? Or is it futile to reset that state if any exception 
>> gets thrown from the call to `ForkJoinPools.beginCompensatedBlock(...)`?
> REE isn't possible here but maybe you mean a resource issues such as stack 
> overflow or OOME. If that happens then the flag wouldn't be reset. It 
> wouldn't a correctness issue but we may be able to make this a bit more 
> robust for these cases.

Hello Alan, 
My concern wasn't really about OOME or resource issue. I had noticed the 
`ForkJoinPools.beginCompensatedBlock` has a try/catch which then propagates 
back the `Throwable`. So I thought there could be some genuine exceptions that 
could be thrown in this flow which ultimately calls 
`ForkJoinPool.beginCompensatedBlock()`. I haven't yet reached the changes in 
`ForkJoinPool.java` class itself, so it's likely that this catch block is only 
there for theoretical reasons when dealing with `MethodHandle`.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8166

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