On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 16:21:42 GMT, Per Minborg <pminb...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This PR proposes the introduction of **guarding** of the use of 
>> `DirectBuffer::address` within the JDK. With the introduction of the Foreign 
>> Function and Memory access, it is possible to derive Buffer instances that 
>> are backed by native memory that, in turn, can be closed asynchronously by 
>> the user (and not only via a `Cleaner` when there is no other reference to 
>> the `Buffer` object). If another thread is invoking `MemorySession::close` 
>> while a thread is doing work using raw addresses, the outcome is undefined. 
>> This means the JVM might crash or even worse, silent modification of 
>> unrelated memory might occur. 
>> Design choices in this PR:
>> There is already a method `MemorySession::whileAlive` that takes a runnable 
>> and that will perform the provided action while acquiring the underlying` 
>> MemorySession` (if any). However, using this method entailed relatively 
>> large changes while converting larger/nested code segments into lambdas. 
>> This would also risk introducing lambda capturing. So, instead, a 
>> try-with-resources friendly access method was added. This made is more easy 
>> to add guarding and did not risk lambda capturing. Also, introducing lambdas 
>> in certain fundamental JDK classes might incur bootstrap problems.
>> The aforementioned TwR is using a "session acquisition" that is not used 
>> explicitly in the try block itself. This raises a warning that is suppressed 
>> using `@SuppressWarnings("try")`. In the future, we might be able to remove 
>> these suppressions by using the reserved variable name `_`. Another 
>> alternative was evaluated where a non-autocloseable resource was used. 
>> However, it became relatively complicated to guarantee that the session was 
>> always released and, at the same time, the existing 'final` block was always 
>> executed properly (as they both might throw exceptions). In the end, the 
>> proposed solution was much simpler and robust despite requiring a 
>> non-referenced TwR variable.
>> In some cases, where is is guaranteed that the backing memory session is 
>> non-closeable, we do not have to guard the use of `DirectBuffer::address`. 
>> ~~These cases have been documented in the code.~~
>> On some occasions, a plurality of acquisitions are made. This would never 
>> lead to deadlocks as acquisitions are fundamentally concurrent counters and 
>> not resources that only one thread can "own".
>> I have added comments (and not javadocs) before the declaration of the 
>> non-public-api `DirectBuffer::address` method, that the use of the returned 
>> address needs to be guarded. It can be discussed if this is preferable or 
>> not.
>> This PR spawns several areas of responsibility and so, I expect more than 
>> one reviewer before promoting the PR.
> Per Minborg has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Reformat and fix comment

src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/Deflater.java line 594:

> 592:                     try {
> 593:                         result = deflateBufferBytes(zsRef.address(),
> 594:                                 ((DirectBuffer) input).address() + 
> inputPos, inputRem,

Somewhat subjective but the original code, with inputAddress, was a easier to 
read and avoided having too much going on in the parameters to 
deflateBufferBytes. In any case, you probably should fix the formatting to 
avoid have different parameters with different indentations.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/Deflater.java line 717:

> 715:                         result = deflateBytesBuffer(zsRef.address(),
> 716:                             inputArray, inputPos, inputLim - inputPos,
> 717:                                 ((DirectBuffer) output).address() + 
> outputPos, outputRem,

Same here, I think I would keep outputAddress to keep the call to 
deflateByteBuffer simple.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/Deflater.java line 740:

> 738:                             try {
> 739:                                 result = 
> deflateBufferBuffer(zsRef.address(),
> 740:                                     ((DirectBuffer) input).address() + 
> inputPos, inputRem,

Another one where inputAddress and outputAddress have been removed so the call 
to deflatBufferBuffer is much hard to digest.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11260

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