On Fri, 22 Dec 2023 07:55:24 GMT, Eirik Bjørsnøs <eir...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> ZipInputStream.readEnd currently assumes a Zip64 data descriptor if the 
>> number of compressed or uncompressed bytes read from the inflater is larger 
>> than the Zip64 magic value.
>> While the ZIP format  mandates that the data descriptor `SHOULD be stored in 
>> ZIP64 format (as 8 byte values) when a file's size exceeds 0xFFFFFFFF`, it 
>> also states that `ZIP64 format MAY be used regardless of the size of a 
>> file`. For such small entries, the above assumption does not hold.
>> This PR augments ZipInputStream.readEnd to also assume 8-byte sizes if the 
>> ZipEntry includes a Zip64 extra information field. This brings 
>> ZipInputStream into alignment with the APPNOTE format spec:
>> When extracting, if the zip64 extended information extra 
>> field is present for the file the compressed and 
>> uncompressed sizes will be 8 byte values.
>> While small Zip64 files with 8-byte data descriptors are not commonly found 
>> in the wild, it is possible to create one using the Info-ZIP command line 
>> `-fd` flag:
>> `echo hello | zip -fd > hello.zip`
>> The PR also adds a test verifying that such a small Zip64 file can be parsed 
>> by ZipInputStream.
> Eirik Bjørsnøs has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 33 commits:
>  - Merge branch 'master' into data-descriptor
>  - Extract ZIP64_BLOCK_SIZE_OFFSET as a constant
>  - A Zip64 extra field used in a LOC header must include both the 
> uncompressed and compressed size fields, and does not include local header 
> offset or disk start number fields. Conequently, a valid LOC Zip64 block must 
> always be 16 bytes long.
>  - Document better the zip command and options used to generate the test 
> vector ZIP
>  - Fix spelling of "presence"
>  - Add a @bug reference in the test
>  - Use the term "block size" when referring to the size of a Zip64 extra 
> field data block
>  - Update comment reflect that a Zip64 extended field in a LOC header has 
> only two valid block sizes
>  - Convert test from testNG to JUnit
>  - Fix the check that the size of an extra field block size must not grow 
> past the total extra field length
>  - ... and 23 more: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/compare/e2042421...ddff130f

Hello Eirik, I had a look at this one today. The motivation behind this change 
appears to be the statement in the specification which says:

4.3.9  Data descriptor:

        crc-32                          4 bytes
        compressed size                 4 bytes
        uncompressed size               4 bytes This descriptor MUST exist if bit 3 of the general
      purpose bit flag is set.
      For ZIP64(tm) format archives, the compressed and uncompressed 
      sizes are 8 bytes each. When compressing files, compressed and uncompressed sizes 
      SHOULD be stored in ZIP64 format (as 8 byte values) when a 
      file's size exceeds 0xFFFFFFFF.   However ZIP64 format MAY be 
      used regardless of the size of a file.  When extracting, if 
      the zip64 extended information extra field is present for 
      the file the compressed and uncompressed sizes will be 8
      byte values.  

Effectively, this change is proposing to enhance the 
`java.util.zip.ZipInputStream` to allow for it to parse some more zip/jar files 
out there, which it currently wouldn't be parsing, even if the spec allowed for 
such zip files.

Looking through this proposed change, this change only affects `DEFLATED` 
entries and doesn't impact `STORED` entries. Furthermore, this change affects 
only those `DEFLATED` entries which have a data descriptor (understandly).

What's being done in this change is that, in a zip/jar file, for each 
`DEFLATED` entry which has a data descriptor, we now have an additional logic 
which decides whether we read the compressed/uncompressed sizes in the data 
descriptor as 4 bytes or as 8 bytes each. Before this change we used to read 
them as 8 bytes only when the `Inflater` (for that entry) told us that it had 
dealt with more than `0xFFFFFFFFL` bytes of data for that entry (indicating 
that this is zip64 entry). With the current proposed change, we not only rely 
on the `Inflater` for this decision but also rely on `ZipEntry` itself to tell 
us whether to read 8 bytes or 4 bytes each.

Given this context, I've looked through the changes and I think some additional 
changes are needed to prevent some potential issues with this proposal. I've 
added those comments inline.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12524#issuecomment-1881152933

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