On Mon, 8 Jan 2024 14:47:48 GMT, Jaikiran Pai <j...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>  With the current proposed change, we not only rely on the Inflater for this 
> decision but also rely on ZipEntry itself to tell us whether to read 8 bytes 
> or 4 bytes each.

The proposed change resides solely in one single internal/private method called 
`readEnd(ZipEntry e)` of the `java.util.zip.ZipInputStream`. This method gets 
called in the internal implementation of the `ZipInputStream` when the contents 
of a "current" `ZipEntry` are being read and this `readEnd()` method gets 
passed that "current" `ZipEntry`. The passed `ZipEntry`'s `getExtra()` method 
is then called by the new proposed change to get hold of the byte[] 
representing the extra blocks of the zip entry and that byte[] is parsed to 
decide whether we need to read 8 bytes for compressed/uncompressed fields in 
the data descriptor. It's important to note that before this proposed change, 
this `readEnd()` method doesn't read anything out of the passed `ZipEntry` and 
instead only updates it, so before this change, the `ZipEntry` itself doesn't 
play a role in what data this `readEnd()` method processes.

The crucial part here is that the "current" `ZipEntry` is the one which was 
created by a previous call to `ZipInputStream.getNextEntry()` method, which is 
a public overridable method. Furthermore, the `ZipEntry.getExtra()` method too 
is overridable. So in theory, the byte[] data returned by the 
`ZipEntry.getExtra()` isn't controlled or validated and can be anything that 
the overridden method might return. So at a minimum, the newly introduced 
`hasZip64Extra()` private method which parses this byte[] shouldn't expect this 
to be parsable and thus should handle any exceptions this might generate and 
thus the recommendation of catching those exceptions and returning `false`.

The bigger question however is, should `readEnd()` now be entrusted the 
responsibility of reading the `ZipEntry.getExtra()` byte[] contents that can be 
anything and even if the content of the byte[] seem to represent a zip64 entry 
(i.e. the newly introduced `hasZip64Extra()` method returning `true`), should 
that decision be trusted to further lead the `readEnd()` method to read the 
compressed/uncompressed sizes in data descriptor as 8 bytes? Would this need 
additional checks of some form?

Alan and Lance have more experience in this area and I would prefer hearing 
their thoughts.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12524#issuecomment-1881275708

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