While `@since` might not be considered a normative part of the specification, (it's effectively a cache of derived meta-data) it is part of the generated documentation, and as such deserves to be correct.

-- Jon

On 5/5/24 4:33 PM, Pavel Rappo wrote:
On Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:46:24 GMT, Nizar Benalla <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

Pavel, can I simply change the PR/issue title to be more descriptive? As I want 
to include the the inherit doc because of the unchecked exceptions, rather than 
clean this up in a different PR
I suggest dropping all the changes that are irrelevant to `@since` from this 
PR, unless you have PRs with similar mixed changes integrated. As far as I 
know, `@since` is not a normative part of documentation, whereas `@throws` is. 
So the latter is a bigger change and would require more scrutiny and more area 
experts during review.

In the future, we might want to have yet another aid/tool: a "`@throws` 
checker" that finds all overriding methods that do not declare some of the unchecked 
exceptions that the methods they override do.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18954#discussion_r1583618873

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