Adding to what Len has said, PRONI holdsmicrofilm copies of Kildress Church of 
Ireland records. The originals are heldby the Rector of the parish, in 
Kildress. They are open to inspection there butthere is normally a fee. Last 
time I checked the standard Church of Ireland feewas £12 (sterling) an hour. 
(Make an appointment. Do not turn up unannounced asso many unfortunately do). 
You can also write to the Rector and ask if he/shewill look records up for you. 
The Rector doesn’t have to do that but if he/sheagrees to it (as they might for 
a simple request) then the fee is £19 an hour.Many Ministers and Priests in 
Ireland are inundated with genealogical requests.Not all have the resources to 
deal with them and there may be a long wait ifyou write to them. Sometimes they 
don’t reply at all. “My priority is my livingparishioners, not the dead ones” 
being a standard explanation.

PRONI charge something like £18 per 15minutes for research requests.  You 
canwrite and ask them if they will undertake a piece of work. If they agree to 
doit, they will send you a quote and you have to pay in advance. They 
willusually do simple requests eg obtaining a copy of a known baptism on a 
givendate or month. What they normally won’t do is a trawling search, eg 
looking fora series of baptisms over a number of years without specific dates. 
You need aresearcher for that as it can be very time consuming. Researchers in 
the PRONIarea:

Some Church of Ireland and some Presbyterianrecords are on the pay to 
view/subscription sites like rootsireland. Howeverthey don’t appear to have 
Kildress Church of Ireland. 

PRONI hold a few very common types ofrecords on-line. Examples are the 
Valuation Revision records, the names index,some (but not all) will calendars, 
the Ulster Covenant and so on. However themajority of their records are either 
on microfilm or paper format, so apersonal visit is required to view them. 

LDS asked Irish Presbyterian churches forpermission to copy their records. In 
contrast to the Church of Ireland whoserecords are covered by statutory 
legislation allowing public access (it was thestate church and so they are 
state records), Presbyterian records belong to theindividual congregation. LDS 
appears to have a practice of re-baptising all recordsthey obtain, into the LDS 
faith. (Quite how you can baptise someone when theyare dead is another matter, 
for another forum, but that’s what they reportedlydo). Most Presbyterian 
congregations in Ireland found this offensive andconsequently refused 
permission (though they have been happy to allow otherreputable organisations 
to copy them). So that’s apparently why LDS don’t haveIrish Presbyterian 
records. I don’t know what the position is with Church ofIreland records.





      From: Len Swindley <>
 To: MPGish inQB. <> 
Cc: "" <>
 Sent: Sunday, 25 June 2017, 8:18
 Subject: Re: [CoTyroneIreland] Follow up to 'How do I access these records, 
 <!--#yiv7623019124 _filtered #yiv7623019124 {font-family:Helvetica;panose-1:2 
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div.yiv7623019124WordSection1 {}-->Hello again Peggy;   You are correct; the 
Kildress parish records (Church of Ireland), Co. Tyrone, were sent to PRONI, 
Belfast, for microfilming (this is the same for churches of almost all 
denominations and their congregations throughout Ulster); this is preferable 
for local clergy and parish secretaries who are easily overwhelmed with 
genealogical enquiries from North America. Genealogical research is not their 
role.   There are no indexes to the expansive Kildress records (and none online 
at no cost) and to request the staff at PRONI to undertake a complete search 
would come at a prohibitive cost. Upon request, they will provide a list of 
accredited researchers who regularly extract data from records for you to 
contact..Church of Ireland (and also Presbyterian) records have not been made 
available to the LDS (PRONI only).   For the interest of listers, the PRONI 
microfilmed Kildress records held in Belfast are:Baptisms 1794-1920Marriages 
1794-1923Burials 1828-1894Vestry minutes 1709-1806Tithes due 1737   Hope this 
clarifies matters and assists,Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia         Sent 
from Mail for Windows 10   From: MPGish inQB.
Sent: Saturday, 24 June 2017 2:59 PM
To: Len Swindley;
Subject: Follow up to 'How do I access these records, please?'   Hi and thank 
you everyone who has commented. I'm still somewhat confused! Len, am I correct 
in understanding the only way to see these Church of Ireland records is to 
visit PRONI in person? Does PRONI have an on-line index where I can check if 
there are any records for my ancestors? ( or can I hire someone to go there and 
search? Does anyone know what it costs to have someone do this or does PRONI 
offer such a service?) Does any company offer theseCh. of I. records on-line by 
subscription etc.,  or can I order them in microfilm via the LDS sites? Thank 
you!   Peggy Vancouver Island, BC, Canada  (Grandaughter of a Medical Dr. who 
was born at Unagh near Cookstown and came to Canada 1911.)      Thank you, 
Peggy in Canada (                  
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