Greg Pfister writes:

System: Debian 4.19.0-6-amd64 (Buster 10)

Courier (mta): 1.0.6-1

Courier mta ssl: 0.76.3-5+de

I don't know what this means. There is no "courier mta ssl" package. Both 1.0.6 and 0.76.3 look like version of courier, with 0.76 being quite old. But I, presume, you only have one version installed.

Any help would be appreciated.

I know I'm missing something, but since I'm able to telnet send an email FROM the courier server to one of the servers in question, I think it must be a courier issue.  Could be wrong - been known to happen.........rarely.

Use the testmxlookup command to make DNS MX queries using Courier's resolver.

Prior to 1.0.10 a domain with a malfunctioning DNS server that fails IPv6 queries would result in this behavior, even on IPv4-only senders and recipients.

See what dig comes back with when querying the MX hostnames for AAAA records.

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