Greg Pfister writes:

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Hi Sam,

soft error on the domain.

The Debian package "courier-mta-ssl is a transitional package and can be ignored.  This system is not new, but years old (more than 5).  Nothing recently been done to it other than fail2ban.  However, I've checked both with and without fail2ban services - no affect.

Before I posted, I checked mx and A record existence and could access hosted server from telnet - from the same system as Courier.

Like I wrote before, this was observed before due to broken IPv6 in either the authoritative, intermediate, or caching nameservers. Courier does AAAA lookups even on IPv4-only hosts; and there was a change in 1.0.10 to ignore softfails for AAAA lookups if the A lookup succeeded. Before 1.0.10 the only option is to rebuild Courier using --without-ipv6

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