El vie, 3 jun 2022 a la(s) 18:16, Sam Varshavchik (mr...@courier-mta.com)

> Jakob Bohm via Courier-imap writes:
> > FYI: Debian has an entire manual detailing rules and procedures for
> > such practical details, it's packaged in the "debian-policy" and
> > "doc-debian" .deb files (different documents, you'll need both).
> > There's apparently a similar Ubuntu document in
> > ubuntu-packaging-guide*.deb .
> >
> > Parts of those manuals are criteria for inclusion in the "main"
> > download section, parts are practical considerations to make
> > packages build automatically across all CPU architectures.
> I sort-of came across some of that while working on this. I have my own
> thoughts on some of that, but that would be off-topic here. Suffice to
> say,
> these deb packages should be agreeable with all the major packaging
> guidelines; but deviate on minor, insignificant details.

i dont noted that debian dir inside courier sources.. but as i know having
different "details" will harm production servers, so inclusivelly testing
ones will mess with those taks to admins that just want to upgrade or
manage the future releases..

why not to be in sync with debian oficial packages, as i know the mantainer
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