Will Yardley writes: 

> i have two questions regarding using courier-imapd with pine. 
> i've used uw-imapd to authenticate without a password by linking
> /etc/rimpad to the imapd binary and setting ssh-command to %s %s -q -l
> %s exec /etc/r%sd in the pine.conf file. 
> this is nice since users don't have to enter their passwords again when
> logging in.  however it doesn't seem to work quite right with courier. 
> i can't do something like this: 
> jazz [~]% ssh zugzug exec /etc/rimapd Maildir
> * PREAUTH Ready.
> INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
> a01 login william mypassword
> a01 NO Error in IMAP command received by server. 
> (with or without 'Maildir' after /etc/rimapd) 
> but it works properly if i telnet to port 143 and login the same way.

Right.  Two things are different: 

1) You need to dump stderr.  stderr is used for logging.  You don't see 
stderr on port 143 connection, because stderr gets dumped to syslog.  If you 
do an rsh, stderr then gets in with stdout. 

2) As you can see, starting imapd this way will make it come up in 
preauthenticated state.  This is really pine's breakage.  Pine should be 
smart enough to pick off the server's * PREAUTH response, and forego 

> also since upgrading (i think the old version was like .99 or something;
> the new version is 1.4.0, built from the debian package), i've had a
> couple pine users claim that sorting a folder takes longer.

They're imagining thing. 

> i was under the impression that pine's caching / sorting was mostly on
> the client side (i'm not a pine user so i don't know that much about
> it), but after setting IMAP_DISABLETHREADSORT=1 on the server side and
> restarting imapd, it appears that sorting doesn't work (which would
> indicate that at least some sorting happens on the server side. 
> the complaint is that before, sorting once would take a while, but after
> the first time it would be quick.

It's always been this way.  Normal disk caching in action. 

> now it seems to take about the same time (aprox 8 seconds for a folder
> with 1600 or so messages) each time the sort filter is changed.

Sounds about right. 


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