Quoting Chris Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| >From: "Michael Bellears" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > > I'm getting good reports from people who use all three, so it
| > > looks like I'm
| > > going to have to go back and do some more research, see if
| > > there is some
| > > better criteria I can use to rule out one or two of them,
| > > thanks for the
| > > response.
| >
| >My suggestion would be to install/use them all.
| Why the heck would I want to do that?  Sounds like alot of extra work.

That is probably the only way to make a sound decision;-)  Not that any
of us would have favorites or anything:-)  You already have sqwebmail
installed.  IMO, it is solid and if all you want is webmail w/calendar 
and addressbook, it's great, but I also like the Horde project.  I think
it is very interesting.  I've been using it for some time now (years).  
It has quite a few very good modules with more than enough bells and 
whistles and all well written.

There is a private demo site that is running the latest version of
the horde applications at hub.org put up and looked after by "Marc 
G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Take a look at it.  It might help you 
decide. The url is http://webmail.demo.hub.org I think.  If not just 
go to the http://horde.org page and follow the demo links.  There are 
also demos of stable versions but the head version is production quality,
IMO, and a lot more goodies and easier to update.

Good luck,



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