2016-03-17 13:15 GMT-04:30 Gordon Messmer <gordon.mess...@gmail.com>:
> If the server offers STARTTLS, then you need to make sure that the
> executable referenced in the "COURIERTLS" setting in
> /etc/courier/courierd on the client is executable by the user that
> courierd runs as, and ESMTP_USE_STARTTLS is set to "1".
seem that work, uff !!! "al fin"
$ egrep 'userid|^COURIERTLS|^ESMTP_USE_STARTTLS' /etc/courier/courierd
> # permissions, with only userid/groupid changed to match the account's.
> # yourself, and it must be owned by the "daemon" userid.
That's was the solution, setting that solved the problem!
many thanks, and will be great if only with a option on command line can
send TLS cryp mails
now to send mails crypted with TLS to TLS captable servers must set that
settings to 1
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